Baichuan Zhu
66 Nanshan Rd. Apt. 201
Hangzhou 310010
(0571) 6763247
Purchaser for Wal-Mart in Beijing
Work Experience
1994-2000, Purchaser at Hangzhou Friendship Store. Responsibe for purchasing arts and crafts, chinaware, cloth, clothes, electric appliances, leatherwares, shoes, sports good, stationery, toys. Established extensive contacts with manufacturers and distributors.
1989-1994, Purchaser at Hangzhou Department Store. Responsible for planning and doing actual purchases of such foodstuffs as frozen meat, confectionery, alcohols, beverages, dried aquatic products, rice and flour products, preserved fruits, spices. Succeeded in raising yearly sales volume by 25% at profit margins of 60-80%
1987-1989, Salesman at Foodstuffs Department of Hangzhou Supermarket. Handled annual sales volume of between 18 and 12 million yuan.
Education Background
1981-1987, Xinhu Middle School
1975-1981, Hangzhou No. 62 Primary School
References, available upon request
来源:重庆人才市场网 作者:www.jobfn.com
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