Extensive and diversified supervisory experience in computer,office furniture,and boat manufacturing operations.Particularly effective in increasing productivity and capavcity.Demonstrated ability to learn new skills quickly.Able to supervise new departments without prior experience and meet production goals.Successfuily motivate employees.Excellent interpersonal skills.Gained reputation for honesty and placed in a position of trust.
Supervised the start-up of second shift shipping department.Trained new employees,reached full capacity while maintaining quality and production goals.
Instructed Quality Development courses.
Participated in upgrading assembly systems at Lennon and Epstein Systems.
Consistently met and/or surpassed production goals.Supervised same day shipping of orders.
Participated with Lennon management team in the move of logistics,service operations from St.Paui to Winona facility.Received cash achievement award for this project.
Operated computerized warehouse management,inventory control and order processing systems.
Researched requirements and supervised the development of a high-tech paint laboratory including procurement and staffing.
Planned,arranged and supervised rework groups which traveled to on-site locations to perform engineering repairs and other problem-solving activities.
Supervised development of new preassembled components of cabin cruisers at Howell Boat Company.
Consistently built and maintained strong relationships with vendors and customers through close and effective communication.
Supervised,scheduled and coordinated production of four departments in a metal fabrication operation.
Since candidate has held six jobs as production supervisor,he/she chooses not to repeat same job description six times.
Instead,candidate summarizes work history under"Summary of Accomplishments".
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